ANZ Health Intervention League Table (ANZ-HILT)
We compile over 800 Australian and New Zealand evaluations of public health intervention to allow comparisons of intervention impacts onto health gains and costs.
Project Details
In collaboration with BODE3, University of Otago, we have assembled 100s of Australasian evaluations of public health intervention impacts on health gains (in quality/disability/health adjusted life years), health system costs and cost-effectiveness.
Australasia is unique internationally with 100s of evaluations now conducted using Assessing Cost Effectiveness (ACE) and BODE3 methods that are highly comparable. ANZ-HILT allows researchers and policy-makers to compare intervention impacts onto health gains and costs, answering questions like “How much different are the health gains for a tobacco tax compared to tobacco outlet reduction?”. Comparisons of health gains and costs are adjusted for population size, and costs for inflation and purchasing power parity.
The league table has proved a useful starting point for discussions with all of health professionals, researchers and policy makers – few people have much quantitative understanding of the relative magnitude of health impacts of a salt tax versus dietary counselling, or smart phone apps for quitting versus a colorectal cancer screening programme. Yet this is exactly the information we expect prioritization of policy and research to be based upon.
Going forward, we aim to extend this league table in the following ways:
- adding new Australian and NZ interventions
- including comparable evaluations from other countries, such as the UK
- adding new outputs for evaluations, such as:
- productivity costs
- health gains and costs in the first 10, and 10 to 20 years, after intervention commencement.
- linking to the Health Intervention Impact Calculator, so users of HIIC can see how their intervention compares to other interventions.
- Prof Tony Blakely, Research Professor, Epidemiology
- Dr Tanara Sousa, Health Economics
- Dr Natalie Carvalho, Health Economics
- Nick Wilson, Professor, Epidemiology, BODE3 Team, University of Otago, NZ
- Anja Mizdrak, Dr, Public health intervention simulation modelling, BODE3 Team, University of Otago, NZ
- Amanda Jones, Dr, Public health, BODE3 Team, University of Otago, NZ
- Lani Teddy, Research Manager, BODE3 Team, University of Otago, NZ